Monday, March 1, 2010

Walking on Water

Yesterday was an awesome day at Faith! God spoke, in rare fashion. I love it when He does that! But perhaps, best of all, He spoke to I was preaching. Now if you've never preached before, it's going to be hard for you to grasp what I'm getting ready to say, but sometimes (and I wish it was every time), sometimes...God is speaking to me, while I'm speaking to others. It's kind of weird, like having an earphone in one ear listening to God while you're hearing yourself go on and on in the other ear. Anyway, yesterday was one of those days and I knew that I had to deal with some "stuff" in my own life as I was asking others to do the same.

We'd been talking about "getting out of the boat" for three weeks. I knew that in my life there were some areas where I had held on for safety. Not only did I not want to step out of the boat, I didn't really even want to rock it! I've see a lot of bad stuff happen when pastors rock the boat. I've really seen more than my share of it and quite honestly, it's ugly.

But, all of that considered, God was speaking to me very strongly saying, "Are you willing to get out of the boat?" Wow...a thousand things when through my head (all while I was trying to preach). Am I willing to do it if it costs me...big time? At some point in the sermon, I became willing to say matter the cost.

What about you? Are you willing to pay whatever the price to step out of the boat, with all of its comforts, your friends, your security...and leave that all behind in order to walk on the water with Jesus? I hope so. Tell me what you think. What do you struggle with leaving behind?